14.03.2022, 10:50 - Views: 381

Round table on a subject: Prominent philosophical historian Solmaz Rzaguluzadeh: personality and scientific heritage " was held

Round table on a subject: Prominent philosophical historian Solmaz Rzaguluzadeh: personality and scientific heritage " was heldOn March 9, the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of ANAS hosted a round table on "Outstanding philosophical historian Solmaz Rzaguluzadeh: personality and scientific heritage" dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the famous philosopher, scientist, doctor of philosophy Solmaz Rzaguluzadeh.
At the event, General Director of the Institute, Doctor of philosophical sciences, Professor Ilham Mammadzadeh spoke about the life of the scientist and her rich scientific activities. He said that some topical issues of the history of philosophy were studied in detail in the research of Solmaz Rzaguluzadeh, who had a productive career. Mrs. Solmaz has conducted extensive research in the field of philosophical history.
Then in the event Doctor of philosophical sciences, Arzu Hajiyeva "Solmaz Rzaguluzadeh: a true scientist and woman committed to her mission", Doctor of philosophical sciences Rafiga Azimova "My memories about Mrs. Solmaz", Doctor of philosophical sciences, professor Ali Abasov, Doctor of philosophy Faig Alakbarov: Solmaz Rzaguluzadeh as one of the main researchers of the medieval history of philosophy of the Azerbaijani people", scientific researcher of the department of "philosophical history of Azerbaijan" Khanimaga Ismayilova " Solmaz Rzaguluzadeh as a philosopher of history ", researcher Zaur Rashidov "Problems of Eastern philosophy in the legacy of Solmaz Rzaguluzadeh ", Ph.D., Rovshan Hajiyev, Ph.D., Irada Zarganayeva and other participants made speeches on various topics and described Solmaz Rzaguluzadeh not only as a great scientist, but also as a great person.
In the end, speaking on behalf of the scientist's family, her daughter Fidan Farajova thanked the organizers and participants of the event.
Round table on a subject: Prominent philosophical historian Solmaz Rzaguluzadeh: personality and scientific heritage " was held
Round table on a subject: Prominent philosophical historian Solmaz Rzaguluzadeh: personality and scientific heritage " was held
Round table on a subject: Prominent philosophical historian Solmaz Rzaguluzadeh: personality and scientific heritage " was held