26.04.2022, 14:46 - Views: 484

Scientific seminar on "Works of Bakikhanov and his personality" held at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology

Scientific seminar on "Works of Bakikhanov and his personality" held at the Institute of Philosophy and SociologyToday, the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of ANAS held a general seminar on "A look at the creativity and personality of Bakikhanov." Doctor of philosophical sciences Fuzuli Gurbanov after opening the seminar, gave the floor to Matanat Shakikhanova, Ph.D., associate professor of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology.
Scientific seminar on "Works of Bakikhanov and his personality" held at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology
The speaker gave a detailed look at the scientific, social, political and literary activities of Abbasgulu aga Bakikhanov, noting him as a great scientist who played an important role in the scientific history of Azerbaijan. Noting the names of Bakikhanov's famous works such as "Qanuni-Qudsi", "Asrarul-melekut", "Tahzibul-akhlaq", "Eynul-mizan", "Gulustani-Iram", the scientist said that these works gained great fame during his life and after his death.
Then the Director General of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Professor Ilham Mammadzadeh, Professor Ali Abasov, Ph.D. Radif Mustafayev, Professor Adil Asadov, Executive Director of the Institute, Doctor of historical sciences Eynulla Madatli, Ph.D. Irada Zarganayeva, Professor Azer Mustafayev, Ph.D., Shahla Musayeva, Ph.D. Faiq Alakbarli, Doctor of philosophical sciences Fuzuli Gurbanov and other speakers spoke on the topic and shared their views with the seminar participants.
Scientific seminar on "Works of Bakikhanov and his personality" held at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology