26.04.2022, 14:49 - Views: 364

A round table on "Combating early marriages" was held

A round table on "Combating early marriages" was heldA round table on "Combating early marriages" was held at the Azerbaijan Academy of Labor and Social Relations. The main speakers of the round table were the leading researcher of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of ANAS, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor Rauf Mammadov and the head of the Center for Gender Studies of ANAS, the leading researcher of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of ANAS, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor Zeynaddin Shabanov They informed about the ways to eliminate it, spoke about the legislative acts in this direction. Measures taken to eliminate such marriages in the country and educational activities were also discussed. There have been extensive discussions on the issue of early marriage in Islam, attitudes towards early marriage and modern statistics in the world, and the consequences of early marriage.
A round table on "Combating early marriages" was held