21.04.2022, 10:13 - Views: 349

Scientists of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology took part in the event "National interests and foreign policy of Azerbaijan"

Scientists of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology took part in the event "National interests and foreign policy of Azerbaijan"The guests of the series of meetings "National interests and foreign policy of Azerbaijan" held in the Yasamal district organization of the New Azerbaijan Party were the Director General of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of ANAS, Professor Ilham Mammadzadeh and the head of the "Cognitive Theory" department of the Institute, Doctor of philosophical sciences Fuzuli Gurbanov.
Before the event, the participants visited the monument to the martyrs of the Great Patriotic War.
Scientists of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology took part in the event "National interests and foreign policy of Azerbaijan"Welcoming the guests and young people, chairman of the Yasamal district branch of the New Azerbaijan Party Bakhtiyar Nabiyev said such meetings play an important role in the lives of young people. Introducing the guests to the youth, he gave the floor to Professor Ilham Mammadzadeh.
Speaking on Azerbaijan's foreign policy and national interests, Ilham Mammadzadeh focused his report on seven theses - liberalism, globalization, army building, alliance with Turkey, pro-Western policy, post-war and the international situation.
Scientists of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology took part in the event "National interests and foreign policy of Azerbaijan"
Ilham Mammadzadeh stressed that Azerbaijan's strong statehood mentality based on historical memory not only ensures its territorial integrity, dispels stereotypes about the world's frozen hotbeds of conflict, and President Ilham Aliyev's deep logic is another strategic roadmap for achieving historical memory and future goals.
Touching upon the victory of Azerbaijan in the 44-day war and the new realities that have emerged since then, the scientist said that it is very important to win the war in modern times and understand what changes it will cause in Karabakh, Azerbaijan and the South Caucasus as a whole.
Ilham Mammadzadeh concluded his report by commenting on the political events in the international arena and the problems they will create in the future.
Scientists of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology took part in the event "National interests and foreign policy of Azerbaijan"
Scientists of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology took part in the event "National interests and foreign policy of Azerbaijan"
Scientists of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology took part in the event "National interests and foreign policy of Azerbaijan"
Scientists of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology took part in the event "National interests and foreign policy of Azerbaijan"