14.04.2022, 11:20 - Views: 261

Ph.d Mahammad Jabrailov spoke at the event "Let's read, learn, teach."

Ph.d  Mahammad Jabrailov spoke at the event "Let's read, learn, teach."The next event of the "Let's read, learn, teach" project implemented by the "Modern Development" Public Union with the financial support of the Agency for State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan was held at the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University (ASPU).
Along with other intellectuals, the employee of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of ANAS, Ph.D. Mahammad Jabrailov quoted scientists, public and cultural figures about science and reading. Speaking about the enlightenment movement in Azerbaijan in the early twentieth century, Jabrailov spoke about the establishment of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, the first democratic republic in the Muslim East. He stressed the importance of addressing students and determining what and how to read.