31.03.2022, 10:24 - Views: 300

The head of the department of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology attended an international conference

The head of the department of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology attended an international conferenceOn March 15-18, 2022, the X International Scientific-Practical Conference "Modern Problems in Science" was held in Vancouver (Canada). At that conference, the head of the department of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of ANAS, Ph.D., associate professor Zohra Aliyeva made a report "On the development of enlightenment ideas in Azerbaijan." In her speech, she noted that the XIX century is a special period in the history of socio-political, literary and artistic thought of Azerbaijan, which led to changes in all areas, including literary and cultural life. This period remained a tragic period in the history of Azerbaijan, as it also coincided with the division of a nation into two parts (Northern and Southern Azerbaijan). This process "failed to disrupt the unity of ethnic, linguistic, cultural and literary values in both parts of Azerbaijan." Both North and South Azerbaijan have been able to preserve their traditional national moral values, Turkish-Islamic culture, national identity, identity, language and literature.
Associate Professor Zohra Aliyeva was awarded a certificate for her participation in the conference.