02.05.2022, 12:18 - Views: 361

A seminar was held at the Center for Multiculturalism

A seminar was held at the Center for MulticulturalismIn modern society, some religious movements are increasingly purposefully propagating their own radical, fundamentalist, and anti-secular views. There are also attempts to undermine the foundations of secular governance, religious intolerance, and the desire to establish theocratic rule. The purpose of such propaganda and agitation is especially aimed at young people. In order to protect the youth of Azerbaijan from such influences, the Public Union "Center for Social and Psychological Research" organized a seminar organized by the Baku International Center for Multiculturalism. The seminar was held within the project implemented with the financial support of the Agency for State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
A seminar was held at the Center for MulticulturalismThen the senior researcher of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of ANAS, doctor of philosophical sciences Aydin Alizadeh made a special report.
He spoke about the existing experience and opportunities, the work of socio-psychological rehabilitation of religious consciousness among young people, the promotion of religious tolerance and multiculturalism; He touched upon enlightenment points in order to protect the youth of modern Azerbaijan from the radical views of some religious movements in society and cases of religious intolerance. The event was attended by university students. At the end, the questions of the participants were answered.
