19.05.2021, 09:09 - Baxış sayı: 888

War of the XXI century as a new aesthetic phenomenon (philosophical analysis)

Tahmina Suleyman Aghakishiyeva
Associate professor. Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Philosophy – Baku


Resume: This article examines a brief description of the war, and also reveals the aesthetic parameters of the war based on a specific real example. The work describes how the Azerbaijani soldier managed to preserve his moral and spiritual values in difficult days.
Key words: Aesthetic aspect, war, soldier, Azerbaijan, patriotism.
It is important to emphasize that wars, by their very nature, can be ethical, legal, and aesthetic. In their research, theorists have always preferred the study of the ethical and legal aspects of war. The author aims to study the aesthetic aspects of war in the modern world. Of course, speaking about war and about aesthetic vital details, if even briefly it is necessary to consider the war first. The author of this article emphasizes that I used to learn about the war from books, but today I am personally acquainted with the brutality of the war. Today, I would not want to face a war, because after the war there are deep wounds of regret. Although the wound heals, the scars last for centuries, constantly destroying you. I am disgusted by the states that deliberately ignite the fires of immeasurable war. But in all parameters of life, human desires, destinies, and human love burn in this Fire! In short, everything beautiful, animate, or inanimate, is destroyed. One can only imagine how difficult it is to write about war, especially when you yourself are a participant or witness of such a nightmare. Whoever it is, not in a definitive way, but in virtually all parts of the world - "No war!" stop forever with the slogan.! «The end of all war is some sort of stable peace» [1, introduction • x x i-].
«War has been history' s greatest paradox, but this searching of fifteen thousand years of violence suggests that the next half century is going to be the most dangerous of all time. If we can survive it, the age – old dream of ending war may yet come to pass. But, Ian Morris a Stanford professor of classics and of history argues, only if we understand what war has been good for we can know where it will take us next» [2, p.1-description]. Undoubtedly, this was a phenomenal concept, but also a "dream"! It is just the author's dream. But man cannot move away from reality in the world of illusions, because dreams exist against the background of the realities that surround us.
War!!! But what is war, is it possible to fight it and remove this social phenomenon from public life? War is a Slavic word derived from the name "warrior". It is related to the Latin word venari - “to hunt" and the ancient German word weida - "hunt" [7].
War is the most horrible word in all the languages of the world. From the earliest times to the present day, wars have not stopped on Earth. Mankind has shifted from spears, arrows, and shields to the most terrifying and destructive weapons — the atomic bombs, the use of which can destroy the home of all living things — the planet Earth.
"War is a specific social conflict waged through the use of force and armed means to achieve political goals and resolve political conflicts of a political nature; it is the ultimate, extreme form of political conflict within any country or between countries" [3, p 175].
The view of war as a social evil has already been formed in ancient times. "War, as an independent scientific problem, has been actively studied since the middle of the 20th century by the departments of modern political science - military political science -" polemology "(war science)," valensology "(science of violence) [3, p 175].
There are two types of war: the war of aggression (unjust) and the war of self-defense (just). There are many theories about war. These theories seek to expose the just and unjust side of war. «Most writers, for example, accept that there is a morally significant distinction between those who fight – combatants – and those who do not. But in many other respects there is profound disagreement about when war is justified, and how wars should be fought» [4, p 1].
It is important to note that the ancient Greek philosopher A. Democritus first raised the issue of war.
According to the theory of B. Genesis, war is caused by economic and socio-political reasons, property inequality of people; It is usually on this ground that all sorts of quarrels and conflicts arise between people, especially in countries where there is arbitrariness, and the poverty of citizens is increasing. [3, p176].
In this regard, Alvin Toffler (American philosopher) wrote in his book War and anti-War: “The main function of war is to destroy. If the war does not achieve its goal, that is, the crushing of one of the parties to the conflict, then there is an exchange of destruction, accelerated consumption of material and human resources on both sides. Such a war ends in peace based on mutual concessions” [5, p.5]. According to the author of the article, war is an integral part of history. War is a terrible, ruthless, and indifferent black cloud! Because of war, people lose close and distant relatives, best friends, and acquaintances. The real fear is beginning to reign, and people are constantly living in danger of living it again. The war changed many things in my family. The war changed the whole way of life of our family, ruined all our plans.
«War is, by its very nature, an exercise in destroying lives and property, usually on a very great scale» [4, p.1].
“When wars end and peace break out, normal life becomes possible, at least for those who have not been traumatized or who have not experienced the kind of suffering that unspeakable violence causes. But when soldiers come home, often, at least in volunteer armies, after multiple tours of duty, they face the mental and physical aftereffects of extreme stress” [1. introduction • x x i i]. However, in addition to the above negative plots, the war awakens works of art and literature, as well as many details of the war, give the association an aesthetic aspect. It is thus explored that the thought of these sublime moments is terrible, but at the same time perfect. And this is the beauty that the author of this article is trying to show in his later research.
It should be emphasized that the aesthetics of the historical period, like any other aesthetics, is built on several categories: the beautiful, the ugly, the sublime, the poor, the tragic, the comic, the dramatic and the heroic. They say that there is no aesthetics in war ...! It is important to emphasize that the war exhibits such aesthetic moments, which in themselves speak volumes: Sublime, patriotism, national pride, which is one of the main factors that unite people in this struggle for rights. The author of the work believes that everything that exists has both an aesthetic and a spiritual aspect. A good example of this is the 44-day Patriotic War of Azerbaijan, which began on September 27, 2020. The author considers it appropriate to recall the fact that in the early 1990s, taking advantage of the chaos, confusion and anarchy in Azerbaijan, Armenia committed an act of aggression, as a result of which about 20 percent of the internationally recognized territory of Azerbaijan, including Nagorno-Karabakh and 7 other regions of Azerbaijan , were occupied, ethnic cleansing was carried out against the Azerbaijani population, both in Nagorno-Karabakh and outside of Nagorno-Karabakh, and in Armenia.
It should be considered that recalling the provocation committed by Armenia on September 27, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said: “We had to protect our people, our country. For Azerbaijan it is a Patriotic, liberation war, for Armenia it is a war of conquest, occupation.
It should be emphasized that the aestheticization of the Patriotic War lies in the fact that every Azerbaijani rose to fight for the liberation of his Motherland. This applies both to the army fighting the enemy on the front line and to the rear line soldiers involved in the information war in the rear. I would especially like to note the incredible spirit of our soldiers and officers who asked when they would recover, despite their severe injuries. Some said that the wound was only on his leg, so he could fight with a gun in his hands. Despite the difficulties, our Azerbaijani soldiers bravely overcame their fear and rushed to the front! They said that their friends remained there, who needed help. There was such a case when a seriously wounded soldier was brought, who had to do an urgent operation. On the operating table, he was shouting all the time, asking the doctor to let him go: "My friend remained on the battlefield! He is seriously wounded; the Armenians are shooting at him! You don't need to save me, save him!" These are real patriots who have never thought about themselves, only about the Motherland, about the liberation of the Azerbaijani lands from the Armenian invaders. In the Patriotic War, in the liberation of lands from enemy forces, an Azerbaijani soldier bleeding to death pulled out his wounded friend from the battlefield and carried to the car. There was such case that there was a mine not far from the battalion. There was danger every minute. The commander said: "If a mine explodes, we will all die, if one of us covers a mine, only one will die. So, decide, either one of us dies or all of us. "The explosion of this shell in any case would not have left a single soldier alive. Despite the danger, the soldier full of courage ran out of action with his body, covering the enemy mine, which gave a chance to his comrades without thinking that he himself would remain alive thanks to the bulletproof vest, getting injured head and many injuries to the body. The Azerbaijani Soldier did not leave only the wounded, but the deceased soldier on the battlefield. Sometimes it seemed as if your human resources were exhausted, but like magic, your strength and patience kept replenishing. It happened that a soldier tied a deceased comrade on his back climbed the mountains, at the same time fighting with enemies for the liberation of our ancestral lands. The Azerbaijani Army showed great heroism, courage, fought with honor for the Motherland and inscribed their names in the history of Azerbaijan. "The poem of the national poet Zalimkhan Yagub" If I have an army, I have a country "has become a formula for every heroic soldier who is now fighting Armenian bandits" [6, p.10]. This is an example of perseverance, courage, strength, and height of spirit. Thousands of volunteers of Azerbaijani origin from many countries of the world tried to participate in the Patriotic War. This solidarity, referred to as the "Iron Fist", in turn formed the common Azerbaijani national identity.

1. Saba Bazargan-Forward & Samuel C. Rickless. «The Ethics of War» // Published in the United States of America by Oxford University Press 198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, United States of America. Oxford University Press 2017. - 278 p.
2. Jan Morris- «In War! What Is It Good For» // Publisher- Picador USA, April 07, 2015, - 512 p.
3. «Война» - Всемирная Энциклопедия Философия // М.: АСТ, Мн.:Харвест, Современный литератор, 2001.- 1312 с.
4. Helen Frowe. (2016). «The Ethics of War and Peace» // An Introduction (Second edition). London and New York, Published by Routledge. - 280 p.
5. Эльвин Тоффлер – «Война и антивойна» // М.: ACT: Транзиткнига, 2005. – 412 с.
6. Агиль Ахмедов «Если у меня есть армия – у меня есть Родина!»// Наука, Орген Президиума Национальной Академии Наук Азербайджана, №16 (1251), 9 октября 2020.
7. https://lexicography.online/etymology/%D0%B2/%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B9%D0%BD%D0%B0 - Происхождение слова война.
