03.05.2019, 15:29 - Baxış sayı: 785

The 7th edition of "Science and Innovative Technologies" journal published

The 7th edition of "Science and Innovative Technologies" journal publishedThe 7th edition of "Science and Innovative Technologies" journal, in which Doctor of philosophy, professor Ilham Mammadzadeh is a member of the Editorial Board of the Institute of Philosophy of ANAS, has been published.
The journal, in which doctor of philological sciences, professor Teymur Akhmedov is an editor-in-chief, was included in the Journal of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan, numbered 4122, on 19.06.2017. The journal was included in the list of scientific periodical publications recommended by the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated July 04, 2018, № 11-R, to publish the main results of the dissertations in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The journal publishes scientific and technical articles that focus on complex problems of science, international humanitarian and public policy, applied and natural sciences, which have not yet been published, have originality, novelty and relevance, advanced theoretical and practical significance.
Scientific articles are published in Azerbaijani, Russian, English and Turkish languages. The International Standard Serial Number (ISNN) of the journal is 2521-1447, the electronic ISSN number 2616-4418. DOI number is 10.30546 / 2616-4418. It has been indexed in more than 20 international bases. Scholars, dissertators and doctoral candidates who want to publish articles in the journal may submit scientific articles to the Editorial Board.
For this purpose, please visit the journal's website (www.ejsr.org) and edit the article in the section titled "Article Presentation" to journalofsit@gmail.com.